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Info-day for presenting Project SEA (Smart Cross-border Entrepreneurship Accelerator)
July 22, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
When: 22nd of July 2022 at 14:00 am local time
Where: Conference hall of Hotel Arpezos in Kardzhali (location)
Association Business Information and Consulting Center – Sandanski is organizing an info-day for presenting the project SEA (Smart Cross-border Entrepreneurship Accelerator), which is financed under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020.
The purpose of the event is to provide information to all interested stakeholders and potential beneficiaries for the planned main project activities, including the newly established Smart Cross-border Entrepreneurship Accelerator. The SEAccelerator will provide start-up support for entrepreneurs from the region of Blagoevgrad, Kardhzali, Haskovo and Smolyan.
The SEAccelerator participants will receive personalized training, mentoring and coaching services by a team of experienced and renowned mentors and trainers from Bulgaria and Greece. All teams who reach the final stage of the Accelerator will have the opportunity to participate and present their business ideas to potential investors and financing institutions within the framework of a conference that will be organized by the American University in Blagoevgrad at the beginning of 2023.
Please confirm your participation by completing a short registration form available HERE!
You can also find a short agenda of the event in Bulgarian HERE